The Naujavan Podcast
Welcome to The Naujavan Podcast. The Naujavan Podcast seeks to inspire, develop and equip young South Asians in their Christian walk with conversations about faith, life and culture. We're passionate about empowering young people to live for Jesus in a way that makes sense in their everyday lives, from family, to work, to relationships, and even the church, making a difference wherever they go. Original music for the Naujavan podcast is written and produced by Alan Sampson.
Email the Naujavan Podcast: podcast@naujavan.com
The Naujavan Podcast
Episode Two - Naujavan Girl
In this episode, the Naujavan Podcast talks to Naujavan Girl. Naujavan Girl is one of the latest initiatives from Naujavan. They held their first event in September 2019 at St John's, Southall. We met with Naiha Masih and Rehana Nurmahi, two members of the Naujavan Girl team, to chat to them and hear how Naujavan Girl has started, what they have been up to recently, and what to expect for the future. We also listen to the song 'Do Your Work,' from the Naujavan Unique and United EP.