The Naujavan Podcast
Welcome to The Naujavan Podcast. The Naujavan Podcast seeks to inspire, develop and equip young South Asians in their Christian walk with conversations about faith, life and culture. We're passionate about empowering young people to live for Jesus in a way that makes sense in their everyday lives, from family, to work, to relationships, and even the church, making a difference wherever they go. Original music for the Naujavan podcast is written and produced by Alan Sampson.
Email the Naujavan Podcast: podcast@naujavan.com
The Naujavan Podcast
Episode Four - Sam Daniel
In this episode, the Naujavan Podcast talks to Sam Daniel. Sam Daniel is a music recording artist, producer, musician, worship leader and speaker based in London. He currently directs the Naujavan worship team and also plays a key role in the leadership team at Naujavan. Sam visits churches, schools, universities, prisons and other organisations around the world sharing not only his music but also his influential story of how Jesus met with him during a dark time in his life. We also listen to the song ‘Vandanam' by Bridge Music.