The Naujavan Podcast

Episode Nine - Faith and Equality: Race and Church

Naujavan/ Becs Dhillon/ Myles Dhillon/ Nicky Gumbel Episode 9

In this extended episode, the Naujavan Podcast is talking about racism and the church. Joining Shakeel to talk about this are Becs and Myles Dhillon, and Bec's Dad, Nicky Gumbel. Becs and Myles have been involved in issues of gender and equality on a global scale. They have spent some time working in India with an organisation that was combating human trafficking, particularly with women caught in sex trafficking. Nicky is the vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton in London, and also the pioneer of the Alpha course. Last year, Becs and Nicky started the podcast: Conversations on Faith and Equality. We sat down with them to have our own Naujavan conversation about faith and equality, especially focusing on racial inequalities, during the global wake of the Black Lives Matter Movement.