The Naujavan Podcast
Welcome to The Naujavan Podcast. The Naujavan Podcast seeks to inspire, develop and equip young South Asians in their Christian walk with conversations about faith, life and culture. We're passionate about empowering young people to live for Jesus in a way that makes sense in their everyday lives, from family, to work, to relationships, and even the church, making a difference wherever they go. Original music for the Naujavan podcast is written and produced by Alan Sampson.
Email the Naujavan Podcast: podcast@naujavan.com
The Naujavan Podcast
Episode Thirteen - Jessie Tang: A Chinese Christian experience
In this episode, the Naujavan Podcast talks to Jessie Tang. Jessie is the host and producer of the ACross Culture Podcast. Jessie and her guests explore culture, identity and the Christian faith - from the UK and beyond. Jessie is a British born Chinese Christian and started going to church as a teenager at a Chinese Church. Jessie share about her experience in the Chinese Church, what she is learnt through making her podcast, and what it means to her to be a British born Chinese Christian. We also listen to the Mandarin song 'Your Grace is Enough' by Streams of Praise Music.
ACross Culture Podcast links: